Asian Consultant

In view of the rapid expansion of our Chinese/Asian clientele, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas Tsiang as our Chinese Consultant.

Thomas migrated to Australia from Hong Kong in 1982 and speaks fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and has a reasonable level of understanding of Shanghainese. After working with a number of global companies in Melbourne, Thomas joined Hutchison Whampoa Ltd Hong Kong in 1998. His first secondment from Hutchison was to Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Company in Guangzhou as General Manager from 1998 to 2009. His second secondment was to Shanghai Hutchison Whitecat as General Manager from 2011 to 2015.

Thomas is an Australian qualified accountant, has a wealth of experience in China, both in business and in culture. Should you need business advice, language assistance, rest assured Thomas can attend to your needs.

由于中国/ 亚洲客户快速增长,我们决定委任蒋友威先生为中国事务顾问。

蒋先生1982年从香港移民到澳大利亚,会中文、能说流利广东话、普通话和对上海话也有一定的认识。蒋先生在墨尔本几家跨国公司工作后, 于1998 年加入香港和记黄埔有限公司,之后被派往广州飞机维修工程有限公司,从1998 – 2009任总经理。从2011 – 2015 被任命为上海和黄白猫有限公司总经理。
